our roots


Sustainable Stems is a business based in Cleveland, Ohio founded in 2018. Our goal is to help make your home a green space that promotes peacefulness and happiness. We want to provide everyone with the tools to do this- our plants!

Hi! Thanks for visiting Sustainable Stems’ website. I’m Diane, a twenty-something Millennial who wants to make a living by doing something that doesn’t feel like work (typical). A microbiologist by day, a succulent fanatic by night… and also day. I started out with a few plants at my desk. Three years and about 20 clippings later (thanks co-workers), people walk by my desk and ask, “is this the lab garden?” Why, yes, yes it is!

Having a little bit of nature inside of the office and inside the home brings me a sense of happiness. How can something so simple change the whole vibe of a space? I don’t know, but I want to share the simple pleasure of peacefulness, rejuvenation, and happiness that plants bring me. It’s something so easy, yet makes such a difference.

So, this is how Sustainable Stems came about! I decided to take my passion and use it to help others. If everyone started their day off in a room filled with greenery, a peaceful essence, maybe that could be the small impact that makes their day great. Maybe that pleasant feeling of tranquility can resonate throughout their whole day.

This is what my hope is for you, and for all.

Thanks again for visiting Sustainable Stems! Being a company in the early, budding stages (yes, lame pun intended), every visit to our site is a huge accomplishment and is very much appreciated. Feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments. If you’d like to take a look at our products, click the link below.