Echeveria Cubic Frost(TM)

Echeveria Cubic Frost(TM)

from $6.00

This Echeveria is a relatively new (~2015) variety invented by Renee O’Connell of Escondido, CA. It has beautiful lilac to lilac-pink ripple leaves in a rosette shape. Echeveria Cubic Frost is a fast grower! The powdery look on the leaves comes from this succulent’s thick powdery farina layer (a waxy coating that the plant forms to keep the water inside the leaves and helps reduce sunburn).

Small plant is ~2-3” wide in a 3” terracotta pot.

Large plant is ~4-5” wide in a plastic pot.



Use the “soak and dry” method: water when the soil is dried out- about once every 8 days.


Filtered/Partial Sun, Bright Indoor Light


Gritty, well-draining soil like a cacti/succulent potting mix. Adding coarse sand, pumice, or perlite to the soil will further prevent overwatering.

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